A set of miniatures from Northstar-Figures for the “In her Majesty’s Name” rules.
A fantasytic set of miniatures for “In her majesty’s name”, produced by North-Star. Very versatile pulp action miniatures.
A set of miniatures for “A fistfull of kung fu” by Osprey Wargames. Cinematic Hong Kong movie action.
Another set of very nice medieval asian miniatures for Osprey’s Ronin rules, produced by North-Star.
A group of miniatures released by North-Star for the Ronin skirmish rules. They work well for the more fantasy orientated Daisho rules, too. The yellow colour in the big scenery picture is brighter than in reality.
A group of yakuza gangsters for “A Fistfull of Kung Fu”, inspired by classic Hong Kong action movies. Miniatures from North-Star. These work nicely with “Turf War Z”, too.
Set of 11 miniatures from North Star Military Figures for the “In her majesty’s name” skirmisch game.
A company for the In her Majesty’s Name rules and the miniatures work fine with Pulp Alley, too. This gang played a part in our Pulp Alley Perilious Island campaign, where Lord Curr found the Elder Stone and his hands are still marked by the elder sign.